Many people plant ferns at home not only for their aesthetic qualities, but also because these shade-tolerant plants do not require much care. This is true most of the year, but in the winter, especially in colder, snowy areas, a little maintenance should be done to keep it looking good year after year.
1. Plant native ferns
A wide variety of ferns are widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. In theory, ferns in one area can survive transplanted to other places. But it’s best to choose native ferns because they are best suited to the local environment, require the least maintenance, and have no risk of impacting the local natural ecology. When planting, remember to plant in a location with less sunlight.
2. Don’t clean fallen leaves too cleanly
Some homeowners are mysophobic and always like to clean the fallen leaves in the yard. But if you want to maintain your ferns well during the winter, it's best not to do this.
The leaves of most ferns will wilt. When cleaning your yard, you can cut off dead branches, rake some of the fallen leaves off the ground, and focus on picking up fallen branches and leaf crowns. Doing this will prevent the soil from being too wet and causing the plant's roots to rot.
Be careful when using a rake, as the soil where ferns are planted is not very firm and can loosen the fern's rhizomes accidentally, causing them to shift or break.
Leaving a not-too-thick layer of fallen leaves on the soil helps maintain moisture in the soil so the plants don't die in the winter. In addition, dead leaves on the ground can also hide the young shoots that grow in early spring and prevent wild animals from eating them.
Another good way is to use a lawn mower to break up the fallen leaves on the ground, and then spread the broken leaves evenly on the soil. This work should be done in late fall, or before the coldest weather arrives, to provide the best protection for the land. On the other hand, shredded leaves are also more susceptible to rot and do not require us to clean them again in the spring.
3. Do not water outdoor ferns
Do not water outdoor ferns in winter. Outdoor ferns don't need much moisture in winter, regular rain or snowfall is enough. Ferns prefer soil that maintains a steady moisture content that is neither too dry nor too watery. As mentioned above, leaving a thin layer of dead or broken leaves in the soil is enough to retain the moisture your fern needs.
4. Prune evergreen ferns after winter
Some evergreen ferns do not fade and can maintain their green color in winter and even on snowy days. For these plants, we basically don’t need to take care of them in winter and let them grow freely outdoors. Wait until the ice and snow melt in spring, then trim their branches and leaves slightly to make room for new leaves to grow.
5. Potted ferns should be moved indoors
Compared with ferns grown in large areas of land, potted ferns are generally smaller and less resistant to harsh environments. If there is space indoors, it is best to move the potted fern indoors during the winter. Even if you don’t have enough indoor space, at least place these potted plants in a sheltered area, as they can easily break or dry out in wind and snow.
Housed ferns that are moved indoors require a little more care. Place in a location with moderate, indirect light, and water lightly regularly to keep the soil moist, but not so much that it flows into the tray at the bottom of the pot. Also, do not fertilize potted ferns during the winter.
When the weather warms up and nighttime temperatures return to above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), you can move the potted fern outdoors.